Feedback | Restaurant GFX

Hello everyone~! I’m Inkqo, a GFX artist and graphics designer. I’ve recently tried out some new lighting and materials to make my thumbnails, and I think the result is much better than my previous works.

I want to hear some constructive criticism to the thumbnail shown below! What can I improve on? What can I add or change to make my products even better? And what are some issues you see?

Here is the thumbnail:

(None of the builds are by me, and the model given to me was a restaurant for hamburgers. :wink:)

Thank you for reading~! :smiley:


Very nice render, the noise is very prominent in the render. As well as the waiter in the background hold the plate, looks like the plate is hovering.

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Not sure what you’re talking about here, the render isn’t that noisy, I actually can’t see any noise at all. I agree with the plate though, it looks like it is floating. It’s a very nice piece of work too.

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It looks great enough, the only thing I would suggest is to change the camera angle, the blonde person takes up too much space and he isn’t even facing towards the camera.

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Nice! You could add in some R15 or other character packages since they’re more commonly used now.

Also the rugs and small carpets could use a texture, i usually apply every brick with a texture to imrprove quality.

Other than that, great work!

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I like it! It looks very very nice for me there is nothing you should/can change its great keep going on this great work :+1: :muscle:

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I believe when he was saying noise, It meant as in the amount of people there was in the render, not the actual render being noise-y :sweat_smile:

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Looks awesome and looks like an amazing well done and time/effort put into that.

Only thing I’d suggest on it would be some sort of “icon” “vector” or what it is like a burger icon around the corners to possible claim ownership to the group or show it more.

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