Feedback Space Build

Hi There!
I’m currently working on my first solo project! It will be a space game. It’s pretty ambitious since the game will be pretty big and I have never built it before. Not really making to succeed, more as a fun side-project. Even though I have never really built before, I still want them to be good, so do you have some feedback on this space hall?

Thanks for reading!


This looks really awesome. If this is your first time building like this, you’re off to a great start.

Only thing I’d say is try to add different textures, maybe on the walls or the floor. It kind of all blends together right now. But honestly still looks great!

Keep up the great work :slight_smile:


looks awesome, want to know more about this game

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Thanks! May start a DevLog on it on my Channel. IggyDev - YouTube

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Perhaps add some neon parts lining the floor and up to the roof.

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Yeah, I was thinking about doing that, but I don’t want too much neon lights, since people may find that annoying.

I was just wondering what type of game it will be, will it follow a certain storyline? Will it be entirely dependent on players? Or a bit of both?
That’s what I wanted to know :happy1:

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The idea was that it would be a game that indeed has a storyline. You start on a cutscene where you will eventually travel to the main area. There you can do multiple quests to your choice that will all follow a story.

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Sounds cool!
If in the future I remember to play it I definitely will!

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Okay, I know I use this material way too much, but I think the floor would be much better with the diamond plate texture. That’s all, otherwise, it’s pretty good.

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You can also use point lights with high brightness and less range

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True, but neon lights only can already be pretty annoying, at least, I find that to be when something uses too many neon lights. Thanks for the suggestion though!

A way to fix that is just making the color darker while still having it as a neon part, it still gets the glow just not the super intensive burning feel.

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Looks dope!! Keep it up you’re a really fast learner! :slight_smile:

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This looks great, adding more textures to the walls etc will make it even better. Keep it up :+1:.

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It looks Amazing is this ur first build and i would like that if u used more textures But it looks great still have a fun day

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