Feedback system works in Studio but not with roblox client

Hi ! I’ve “made” a feedback system that use some platform’s webhook, and 1 month ago it worked flawlessly, but now it only somehow only works on roblox studio ??? So strange :frowning:

Here are all the possibilities:
1- In roblox studio: Everything works, I receive the message
2- A place copy in roblox studio : Everything works, I receive the message
3- In Roblox Player (Client) : NOTHING works, script won’t go further, errors and no message

Error I got :


In GUI :

local maxCharacters = 1000
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local open = false
local feedbackMain = script.Parent

feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.Text = maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text
	feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.Text = maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text
	if maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text < 0 then
		feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,50,50)
		feedbackMain.CharactersLeft.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)

local db = false
	if not db and maxCharacters - #feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text >= 0 then
		db = true
		local msg = feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text
		feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = "Sending Feedback..."
		local response = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.FilteringFunction:InvokeServer(msg)
		feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = response
		if feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text == response then
			feedbackMain.InputBox.Input.Text = "Any Features Ideas or bugs ? Type it here!"
		db = false

On server :

local webhook = "(The webhook, isn't like that in my real script)"
local filteringFunction = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.FilteringFunction
local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")

function filteringFunction.OnServerInvoke(player, msg)
	local payload = HTTP:JSONEncode({
		content = msg,
		username = player.Name.." - (#"..player.UserId..")"
	HTTP:PostAsync(webhook, payload)
	return "Feedback sent, thank you !"

I get HTTP 403 but don’t at all why, i’m almost certain that it’s not my scripts fault, since I had worked before and is working in studio.

The only cause I can think of is maybe roblox changed the way that they deal with HTTP requests using the player.

If you wanna see for yourself : Atmos [Indev] - Roblox
click on ? then feedback

If anyone can help me that’ll be great !

There is an ongoing issue with Discord webhooks and Roblox.

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Oh, that’s explains everything. Thanks a lot!