So… I made this terrain in blender. What do you think about it?
it looks very nice, the waterfall, however, looks clean but the end of the waterfall needs some fog because the water from the waterfall has impact on the ground. so I recommend you do that and anything in this picture has nothing wrong. so… I hope you have a fantastic day and I will see you in the reply…
Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely add it.
Well, it looks very impressive.
May I just recommend for you to add a tree to make it fit the appearance.
Applicable to a nature-type game.
Thanks. I already got a low poly tree in a different file.
The texture is Perfect the grass the water everything.
Just have to do something in the starting of the waterfall.I think the grass on the left is kinda higher than on the right.
Keep on doing these kind of blender activities you can earn money for making blender model and game logo.
Very nice, One thing I could suggest tho is maybe letting the water flow off the terrain if it’s going to be a floating island instead of a small pool. Overall very nice.
To me it doesn’t really feel like terrain, it feels more like a bowl with cloth on it. Try making the terrain jagged and more looking like a rock formation, rather than making it super smooth.
Very simple and clean, I love it! A few rocks and trees would make this better, though. A bridge on top of the waterfall would also make it much better. Could be like that:
Overall, it is a really nice terrain!

It is very nicely made. However waterfalls don’t naturally form like that so I would like to recommend that it come out of a cave or from a larger body of water. also If you add fog and a bit of tiny rocks poking out of the waterfall bending the water around it, it would look more realistic if that is what you are going for.
Looking at the picture, I think there needs to be some minor adjustments to the Lighting. Since you got the trees already made I would suggest placing down on the map I like how you created a different shape of the terrain consider adding variety of trees, rocks they could be in the water or more around the water with some other plants, but they should be a bit taller and I feel like the green color choice should be brighter.
A more unrealistic, kinda look better compliments a low poly terrain. You should try using more brighter colors to make the low poly effect stand out more, along with a brighter different type of lighting because it’s a bit dark and plain at the moment.
To me the land looks pretty empty I think to help give your terrain more life and depth is to add some plants and other vegetation you could add the extra details to it. In the following picture, it’s some very nice terrain you’ve made in blender I believe it won’t hurt to add different details to it instead of trees you could try adding logs, taller grass, flowers, mushrooms, logs, sticks, that match well.
Overall, good job.
That’s for sure some fine terrain right there. Really captured the cartoon look. I love how simple the waterfall is and the fact that if goes so well with the rest of the terrain makes it look super clean. Great work, keep it up!