I really like the lighting on this, it is very intriguing. I love love the blue particle effects that you have added to the graphics design, I also love the background and the fact that you have added grass. A few of my suggestions would be…
Try to use a bit more lighting for the background
The clothing textures are a bit pixelated on the arms
The character has no face, But I don’t think its too necessary
Try to make the grass color close to the color of the leaves in the background
Great nice work. A suggestion i would have is…
Make the background siding darker to bring out the foreground. And increase lighting around the character. Add any color eyes, mouth not needed… Awesome
I really like this piece of work, I’m a big fan of Demon Slayer and love to see it slowly coming into roblox, the graphic is nice but this particular scene was at night, mainly so the dark background could compliment the vibrant colours of his power. Whereas in your’s some of the yellow lightning is lost in the colour of the grass.
Other than that I really like this graphic and look forward to seeing more from you