Feedback to improve this Backpack GUI

I need some Feedbacks to improve this Backpack GUI for more better for user Experience and Interface.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Its needs nothing else. Its perfect

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Everything is red, not bad but you can use different shades of Red or colors

and Violet and green do not match with red

you should probably change the color of the product’s background


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wow that’s so amazing i’ve been trying master doing Gui’s

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Improvement Ideas

  1. Two things you could do for the background.
    a. Have the background be semi-transparent; showing the typical camera of the player so they can see around them.
    b. Change the background to Color3.fromRGB(20,20,20)

No matter what, change the background color to black by default; with somewhat of a scale of shade there.

  1. Use a UIGradient if you haven’t already to make the sides darker, or do something similar to this;

  2. Have it where the color of the background, if equipped; is green, then when it isn’t equipped; return it to its original color.

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