[Feedback] Uncryonized

I’m currently making my second game, and my only experience with world creation prior to roblox is Blender. I’m taking a minimalist approach while creating the assets.

Here’s my progress so far:

Feedback on the song that goes with the game is here: [Feedback] Uncryonized


wow, look almost done or is it done? anyway is this space station you build by your own or is it realistic?
well do the good job, :+1: :star_struck: :smiley:

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Thanks! Unfortunately this is nowhere near done and I would like to make other rooms. This is made 100% by me, and the art style is not going to be photo realism.

well thanks for reply back… hey um… what is the next room and what kind of room next?

I’m thinking about an escape pod room, but I’m not entirely sure though.

in the escape pod is it gonna animated or just for showcase?

That lighting looks amazing and the floor design is really good, the fact that it isn’t even done is even more amazing, great job

This looks like a super cool futuristic build. Definitely sets the atmosphere for the game.

I really like the modern theme to this, the floor design is amazing and i think this would make a good hub/lobby. 9/10

Hi Developer!

First of all, awesome job on that.

In my opinion, you did a great job there, even though It’s not anywhere near release, It’s pretty nice to see what you’ve done so far. I like the little neon structures, the little details of the three tubes in the back, the detail on the floor and the tree, and It’s overall really nice.

Keep the work up, I can’t wait to see what you will create!


It’s going to only be for the showcase.

Looks great, but in my opinion, the contrast between the decoration on the ground and the ground itself is too big. Try making the decoration a bit darker and making the glass ground a bit lighter.

Maybe add some skirting boards to make the joint between the floor and the wall not look so empty. Same with the ceiling.

Good luck. :slight_smile:

everything is cool but i think you should add some more lighting in the midle.

looks really nice.

whats it for ?

i would recommed however that you try to do somthing with the celling.
weather it be ribbing or armour or whatever.
toomany times i see people just ignore the celling…

really cool though either way.