Hello! So, for quite a while; I’ve been working on a Project about Star Wars. I’ve made the weapons and a few mechanics. Not much to do as it is a Tech Demo/Testing place, the only thing I need you to do is log in, play for a bit, test it out and give me your feedback and features that I should add. I will make a list of upcoming features/updates, for more information - read the Additional information section.
So, uh- Yeah! That’s about it. Hope you like the game, if you do; make sure to Like the game. Anyway, thanks for reading, have an amazing rest of your day/night!
Pretty sure your going to run into copyright issues if you name it Star Wars.
Never mind, there’s tons of Star Wars games out there. Its still a risk, but not as much.
I don’t agree for several reasons, one of which is that there are countless of popular Star Wars games that haven’t experienced any copyright issues, though as you’ve said, it is a risk.
When in first person using the Lightsaber the view is obstructed when swinging. The laser blaster is inaccurate most of the time. I dont know if you were going for that. The lightsaber needs better animations and maybe a swing combo.
Hey! Thanks for the feedback, the first person view is obstructed because one of the animations, sadly. The blaster is inaccurate because of the high recoil, replicating the bad aim meme from stormtroopers, though certain blasters will have better recoil that’s not as strong. And the animations will be improved, it’s just something I made rather quickly. About swinging combo’s, I’ll consider adding them in. Either way, thanks for the feedback! Have an amazing rest of your day/night.
Hey, thanks for the feedback! The thin surface on the top of the table allows the player to place the handle below it and preform that glitch, will fix it now. Anyway, have an amazing rest of your day/night!
Please don’t start a debate on whether or not it will get copyright issues. It’s not like Disney will target a small game that isn’t even out, yet and even if they did; this project is mostly to improve my developing skills.