Yo! Most of my posts are honestly just becoming GUI related. I’ve been doing UI/UX for close to 4-5 months now. I’ve decided to revamp my PREVIOUS Troll GUI as seen on this post:
This is my updated version which will now fit in my new game theme:
the buttons are looking good, but there are a few TINY little things that we can fix.
for the KILL/KICK EVERYONE buttons, the item description is a little far from the title, unlike the other buttons. i believe that maybe it is your textLabel’s YAlignment. make sure to set that to top.
the dim grey checkerboard background is a little unfit, especially with these nice poppy buttons!
the “TROLL” text could be a little thicker (text and the UIStroke) and centered properly on the top edge.
the devil emoji could use a little more brightness/saturation.
honestly though, it is still a solid UI with these again, VERY TINY “mistakes”.
Looks good, but I’d remove the Troll Other Players text label as there is already a UI name at the top that tells you what the ui is for and what each dev product does is already written so the “Troll other players…” is unnecessary and just looks off in my opinion