[Feedback/Idea] Anti-gravity obby I made

Recentely I was making a game in my spare time and got a little idea, and I was wondering if this were to make a good game. And also be honest, would you play it?

So basically, in the game you are a normal obby player, fairly basic right? Correct. But. You have special powers, you can disable gravity and allow yourself to jump REALLY far jumps for 5 seconds. You also have the dash, that increases your flying/walking speed by 300% for 2 seconds. And last but not least, the Gravity Hook, this allows you to fly down really fast and land onto a platform, usually used to speed up the proccess of flying or to just go down onto the platform and not drift off.

So yeah, I’d appreciate any suggestions/ideas. Thanks!
Review edition link: Anti-Gravity (Freeroam Edition V.0.1) - Roblox


You should move your post to #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

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I do like the game, it has a great concept, but there are a few things I’d like to point out.

  • The signs that tell the player what features do in the game is not such a good way to teach the player about the game. Add specific sections for a tutorial part of the game, where the player can experience the feel of the features one-by-one.

  • There’s no way for the player to tell when the power up boost or so will end, and will be on cooldown. Adding a way for the player to know when it will end would be very helpful for the player.

  • The platforms look quite bland. Give platforms a different color to make them stand out more.

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That was a lot of text at the beginning that was a little fun to read as it all showed up on the screen.

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Anti-Gravity is a fun game, and it really brings a nice feature! With special powers, it’s a really fun game to play by Dashing and Anti-Gravitation by obstacles. It’s also challenging too!


To improve more about the game, I have some suggestions to make the gameplay look improved! It can be very helpful to make sure the gameplay would look more fun to the players.

More Obstacles
Adding more obstacles to play is a fun idea, and it could be more fun by difficulties; making the players to play easier and simpler, to normal difficulty. With more obstacles like obbies, you can try adding danger obstacles like the Normal & Spinning Damage Brick (aka. Kill Brick), if needed.

Tutorials would be amazing to teach out players to understand how powerups works, and how obstacles can do about Anti-Gravity.

GUI Improvements
For GUI Improvements, it would be fantastic if the GUI has the improvements about the style with the icons. The GUI should have styles like modern or cartoony in it.

However, I really like the concept and it really deserves a great progress. Hopefully I can’t wait to see the full version coming!

I wish you luck, and keep up the great progress on your project! :+1:

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Thank you so much, it really means alot. :smiley: