[Feedback/Inspiration needed] Outside of facility missing something

Hello everyone!

My name is pizzaeat1 and I’ve recently built the outside of an SCP themed facility but I feel like something is missing and I don’t know what. I’ve already gone trough the SCP Wiki to get some inspiration and it has helped me quite a bit (like the satellite dishes for communication to (for example) the satellites orbiting SCP-2399,) but not enough in my opinion.

Here are some photos to get some idea of how it looks.


As you can see there are a lot of empty spaces where I could put something but I don’t know what. The front of the building itself also looks a bit boring so I’m hoping to get some feedback from you guys about things I have to add/remove, re-colour or maybe even just to keep it as it is now.

Thanks for reading! Criticism is allowed!


Let’s start by saying that it looks really cool. You could add some warning signs saying to stay away, some barbed wire, some details like pipes running out from the cannon and going straight down to the terrain.

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I would add a fence and barbed wire, as @Royal_X5 said. However, i would add rocks and trees outside the fence. I would also make the terrain a bit hilly, to make it less flat.

And, if you really wanted, you could paint patches of grass around the road and perimeter of the building and enable decoration, which adds the new dynamic grass. This’ll give the impression that the snow has melted near the warmer places that would be traversed more often.

Although, it still looks hella cool!


Thanks for your reply, I’m working on it now so I’ll try some of your suggestions. I do think that the sign would be a bit too close to the -strictly secretive- facility because you’d see it way before you see the sign and I don’t plan on adding a longer road.

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Hello, and thanks for the reply!

I don’t exactly understand this part, but the terrain painting part looks like an good idea to me. I’ll send some more pictures when I’m done.

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It looks fantastic but some large sections of the ‘‘wall’’ (lack of a better term) look empty, you could add something like heavy/thick wiring, lights, cracks, bulletproof windows maybe? Its always good knowing what’s going on outside, i’m no expert.
Again, looks fantastic!

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Rather than windows (that are really rare on this type of facility) he could add some cameras that actually work.

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Could I ask you how you done that terrain tho, as it looks really good?

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It looks good, but the lighting is quite bad. It’s a bit to harsh, and I would recommend fixing this. Good lighting can make a good build 10x better.


Well first of all, thanks for the reply, this is kinda my first time making a build with realistic terrain so I appreciate it that you like it!

So, how did I do this? I seriously have no idea :joy:. I just started with a plan of where I wanted to have the mountains and the river and then start with the basics (just a rough sketch of some mountains). Then I removed all the gaps and ugly pieces and made a more smoother mountain and every time I made a change to the build, I made sure the terrain was synchronized with it.

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Well, congrats because that looks really nice actually!

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Alright everyone, here is a quick update about how the facility is looking after I’ve tried (almost) every thing you guys suggested and made some changes by myself, and it’s looking a hella lot more like a real facility.

here are some pictures

As you can see, I tried to include every feature that was suggested, but some of them I haven’t for the following reasons:

  • The barbed wire fence would cover only a small portion of the land and would be hard to build,

  • The wiring, lights or cracks were a good idea but would have to be very large for someone to notice so I’ve replaced them with some pipes running down and some ice,

  • The windows were also a bit too small to notice and if i had larger windows I’d have to rebuild the whole thing and add more rooms which I didn’t want to do,

  • I can try to add cameras (and it’d certainly look cool) but I have no experience with scripting at all so it would only be for decoration.

If you have more suggestions or don’t like something feel free to say so and I’ll try to reply to you as soon as possible.

Edit: this is not a functional facility and the texts are placeholders for if I want to make this an usable site.

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Well indeed now it looks way better. Great work!

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I’m just taking some inspiration from Portal 1

Loving it! Especially when it comes to the terrain & that sort of barrier thing, forgot the actual name sorry lol.

In addition to the other posts, I feel like adding some road markings & some authority signs would make for a great introduction to further realism. Maybe throw in some facility vehicles too? Trucks, Cars, Buses stuff like that maybe?

Good luck, all the best!

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