Hello! I’m almost done with my first ever GUI, and I was wanting some feedback. This GUI will be for my game I’m working on. Note that the GUI is not done yet because the GFX artist hasn’t given me the store icons yet, so please ignore those missing icons lol.
Here is the GUI:
Hey there! Nice GUIs you’ve got there for a first GUI I’d say this is really well done the only thing I would improve is the colors!
To fix the phone problem click on the UIs or frame, then go to size and make sure the “Offset” is set to 0 you can leave the scale as it is for your GUI size, unless you want to change it.
You can do the same thing for position!
After you set it to those numbers you will have to rescale it to the size that fits on your screen but it will fit on any screen!
Looks good! Here’s a couple things I think would make it a little better:
The colors don’t really match up. For example, the store and inventory icons are pretty dark, while the main GUI is very bright. I really like the color scheme of the store and inventory icons, so it would be awesome if you could match the main GUI to that. Up to you though.
This is a little nitpicky, but the 3D background on the trails icon looks a little weird. While the other icons like it (Coins and Pets) have a darker 3D background, the trails one doesn’t and it just looks weird in my opinion.
Finally, to end, here’s some things I liked:
As said before, the color scheme of the inventory and store icons are beautiful. I really like those.
Thank you for Roundifying it! It makes the GUI look so much better!