Feedbacks, thoughts on my new game (average bomb game)

Hello everyone!

I made a new game recently called average bomb game with my friend @Trixoly, and we need your feedback on it: any ideas, suggestions how to improve it, make it more fun and of course how to possibly increase activity of it maybe?

“hey, look up, whats there?? Is that… A BOMB??
There you gotta survive from falling bombs, you can hide, you can dodge them, anything you want!

Game is sorta ‘social’ based. You can be friendly neighbour or an evil impostor and sabotage your own teammates by teamkilling, ruining possible rounds or just having fun by your own and more to do!

Helpful links

Discord server

We will appreciate any sort of help and feedback to us, which can help us in going on and future!

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The game is great

Personal opinions:

  1. I think the camera moves a bit too much
  2. For the menu, when waiting in intermission, when a player clicks play they should be spectating.
  3. More bomb types and things to do, it is luck-based and you cannot really do anything if a bomb drops on you, make it like other games did. (Super Bomb Survival - Roblox) aka give the player time to react. Power-ups and such would have been nice too.
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Thanks for the review! Could you describe more detailed what you meant by 2nd clause?
And another question, how long did you play for? Is the game addictive? (in terms of would you play it for ‘long’ enough or would quit after few minutes)
Is it attractive, if not how could we make it so?

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When the game is playing, pressing the play button just leaves you in the menu confused. You should make it so that the players turn into spectators like when you die.

8 mins

Currently it is too luck based, after you do the point 3 I have described I am pretty sure it would get more interesting

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About first, its already that if you die during round - you get in spectators, but if you joined the game during round - pressing play should get you into spectator mode (FREECAM | wasd movement)

About second, did you got bored out of it or just rage quitted or sum?
3rd, sure! It’ll be interesting to make ‘bomb tracker’ (prediction of where it could land, giving player a hint to move away from that place)

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Ah, this wasn’t the case in my gameplay. Must’ve been a bug then. (I did not check the F9 console)

I only played it because it seemed interesting, but I was mid developing. I quit because I went back to work. But I would’ve got bored over time because it is pretty much the same always. This is why I suggest adding maybe levels system, daily rewards, tools, power-ups and things to make it more interesting, perhaps ways to eliminate other players too. A more competitive game


:happy3: nice feedback, thanks you so much


Could you give us ideas for competitive? I mean just team-killing would be pointless, we thought of x2 wins if you’ll get top 1 but thats logicless


Perhaps being able to place traps or drop your own bomb from time to time

Thanks for feedback! We really appreciate your help and suggestions

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You are welcome!
Good luck with the development and I highly recommend looking up successful games of your type such as super bomb survival and taking inspiration from those. This can have a big impact on the finished product.

Its quite a poorly made game. And the fact that the camera is too shaky and that the flashing are giving me an epileptic seizure. I would say it would be hard for such game to gain a good amount of attention. Nontheless good job.

Ye abt screenshake ill get rid of brightness, I find it wrong adding it.
About poorly made could you explain more? (not to mention, this took us prob a week to do for sure)

By poorly made I mean that there isn’t much interesting going on or elements that cause the game to be “fun”. Its jump bombs dropping that you have to avoid. There is no music there is no FPS camera which I am sure would make the game more good! and there is no like sprinting system. Basically its not polished.

about sprinting, theres dash which is almost spamable so I find no issue with it.
About “no music” - there is. Probably just highing up your volume?
And wym abt fps camera?

This is a fps camera. First person camera basically. You can modify it like I have in this clip.

And to the above 2 things: Okay.

Ahh this, gotcha. May I ask: Are you using toolbox one or your own?

I make everything myself. So simply I made it myself.