Howdy people of the forum! I just thought I would show off that I was able to get Fennel working inside of Studio. Fennel is a Lisp like programming language. I have been trying to explore it recently because it takes a strong functional approach to programming which I really like.
Here is a quick example I wrote up that will adjust a players walkspeed.
And here is the compiled Lua code that results from the above.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local function speedBoost(amount)
Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = amount
return nil
return speedBoost(25)
Its really cool to see how different the two languages are when they are side by side. I also wrote up my own compiler script for this using Lua 5.4. It takes a search directory and a blacklist. It then loops through the directory and finds any .fnl files that arent on the blacklist and compiles them to .lua using the fennel compiler command.
local blacklist = {"foo.fnl"}
local search = [[C:\YOUR STUFF HERE]]
local function splitString(stringToSplit, separator)
if not separator then
separator = "%s"
local newString = {}
for character in string.gmatch(stringToSplit, "([^"..separator.."]+)") do
table.insert(newString, character)
return newString
-- Searches recursively for .fnl files in the search directory
for directory in io.popen([[where /r ]] .. search .. [[ *.fnl]]):lines() do
for _, blacklistedString in pairs(blacklist) do
if not string.find(directory, blacklistedString) then
local splitDirectory = splitString(directory, "\\")
local fileFullName = splitDirectory[#splitDirectory]
local fileShortName = string.sub(fileFullName, 1, string.len(fileFullName) - 4)
local fileDestination = string.sub(directory, 1, string.len(directory) - string.len(fileFullName))
io.popen([[fennel --compile ]] .. directory .. [[ > ]] .. fileDestination .. fileShortName .. [[.lua]])
Its pretty neat and I think I am going to try and use the language as much as I can, maybe even use it to make my own person project for Roblox.
This is really cool to see! I’ve actually also been working on a similar compile script for Fennel recently to be used with Rojo, though yours seems much cleaner:
I’ve also yet to use Fennel in a more thorough Roblox project, but I’m glad to see that other people are trying it out.
I’m wondering, does anyone use any sort of interactive repl/editor for Fennel or Lua with Roblox? I’ve been trying out Conjure for Neovim, which has been very useful so far outside of Roblox, but I’m thinking it could get somewhat complex to make it work with a Roblox runtime.
I installed Fennel and then added it to my PATH and once it was there you can use fennel --compile from the command line to compile it Fennel code into Lua code. I wanted to automate it so instead of doing it in the command line I wrote up some Lua code that you see above which basically tells Windows “Hey run this fennel --compile command with these arguments”. Then you can run the Lua file with Lua 5.4 which is also installed and I put it inside my PATH as well.
I don’t know if this answers your question, but I use Lite XL for writing my code and then I have a macro setup to run the compiler script I setup. Basically what I do is I write some Fennel code and then I save it with ctrl+S and then I also hit alt+F to then run the compiler. I have it synced up with Rojo and that’s kinda how I do my workflow. I could probably write up a full tutorial if anyone is interested.
I kinda do that. I do whats called AOT compiling. So I compile it before I play the game. Then after I compile it creates a new .lua script. Rojo sees this script and syncs it up into Roblox.