Hello, and welcome to F&H Clothing
Here you will be able to find a short explanation of each rank along with its requirements.
In order to get ranked, please make a post in the group wall asking the rank you want to be ranked up to.
For item based ranks, please make sure that your setting allow us to check your inventory.
Customer - the rank awarded upon joining the group;
Premium Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 5+ items from F&H Clothing
Deluxe Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 10+ items from F&H Clothing
Exotic Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 20+ items from F&H Clothing
Platinum Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 25+ items from F&H Clothing
Gold Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 30+ items from F&H Clothing
Honorary Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 35+ items from F&H Clothing
Elite Customer - awarded to group members who own at least 40+ items from F&H Clothing
Staff positions aren’t awardable. Whenever we are hiring staff we will let you know.
Written by @f_loridian