I always thought the atmosphere feature was bad until I played around with it for a bit, this is the outcome!
Wow! It looks very realistic, how did you make the atmosphere?
Yo that dragon has a big tummy. Did it eat all the Robloxians?
Jokes aside, that dragon looks badass. Now make it attack players so we can fight it.
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you can only fight it with a scorpion ballista which I haven’t had the chance of scripting yet, also, the dragon is based on Drogon from game of thrones.
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That looks really good! How long did it take to make?
the atmosphere? like a few mins, I played around with the haze
the haze option, it’s really useful when you know how to use it.
Both Crimson and Nxonco probably mean the dragon, not the atmosphere.
Who said dadbods weren’t all the RAGE
That’s a great looking dragon and atmosphere.