Hello, I’ve been seeing this type of file organization in lot of games now, and I would possibly need something similar as I need to update same stuff in more places at once. I was just wondering if anyone knows if this is opensource thing or not. Maybe you know something similar that could help me out.
Thanks for any help.

(sorry for the low resolution)
Honestly I have never seen this before until now but. The folders seem to have roblox service names (replaced with a $ at the beginning). So there could be some children and descendants in there. Then they maybe add those children and descendants to the services? I don’t know.
They also might be putting stuff in the script since it is faster to access the children in the script since the Script
Command makes it easy to access the children and descendants there are in the script itself
Yep it is that easy, it depends how far you put it inside the script.
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