This is a script that I use to receive the text that players put in a textbox. It works fine but isn’t there a way to filter the words automatically and not manually like I’m doing?
local RS = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local ChangeNameEvent = RS:WaitForChild("remoteEvents"):WaitForChild("ChangeName")
local UpdateNameEvent = RS.remoteEvents.UpdateName
local bannedWords = {"c", "b", "a"}
ChangeNameEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, petName, petID)
-- Check if the pet name contains any banned words
for _, word in ipairs(bannedWords) do
if string.find(petName:lower(), word) then
-- If the pet name contains a banned word, replace it with asterisks
petName = string.gsub(petName, word, string.rep("*", #word))
for _, v in ipairs(player:WaitForChild("Pets"):GetChildren()) do
local ID = v:WaitForChild('PetID')
if ID.Value == petID then
local Named = v:WaitForChild('Named')
Named.Value = petName
UpdateNameEvent:FireClient(player, petName)