Filtered Global Chat with TextChatService?

Hello, my game uses Legacy Chat and has a Global chat channel which allows for sending messages between all servers.

However Roblox wants us to move to TextChatService and after reading the documentation i dont see any way to filter these messages using TextChatService.

Is it possible to filter it using TextChatService?
If not then should i continue using TextService instead?

From what I have seen/read so far, the new service does not permit global chats. Which sucks.

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We have a game that has a global chat system, but does use TextChatService. The way it works is that when a player sends a message within a specific TextChannel (using TextChannel.MessageReceived to pick it up), it gets sent out to the server, and (with an additional filter using TextService:FilterStringAsync) it is published using MessagingService to be displayed as a system message for the other players.

Do you think this would still be allowed under the new restrictions? It only seems that things using the old legacy chat system like Chat:FilterStringAsync will no longer be valid, and I think MessageReceived already picks up the filtered message.

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From what I understand, the MessageRecieved event only fires on the client. So you will need another remote event to tell the server what was said. I see three issues with this in light of these upcoming changes:

  1. As you stated and other documentation states, FilterStringAsync will no longer be an allowed form of chat filtering, as Roblox wants the filtering done on their end without any devs touching it.

  2. The filtered message recieved from MessageRecieved is filtered specifically for that player. Meaning someone with a lower account age would have a more strict filter applied, if they should even recieve the message at all. If we sent a message filtered for an 18+ account out to children under 13, this could be a major problem.

  3. The remote event sending a chat to the global system could be exploited and abused if its not filtered on the server. If statement 1 is true, then there is no “legal” way of filtering on the server for a chat system, as from what I’ve seen Roblox really wants all chat functions to go through them and their systems only.


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