Filtered_Developer; A scripter

Who am I
Howdy! I’m Filtered (formally known as Postmaner or SirTomHamishWatson) - call me what you want. I’m a high-level programmer with knowledge of RBX.Lua and a few other language

I specialise in backend systems such as FE Handlers, Store Systems and DataStores.

How do I excel as a programmer

  • I strive for performance in my code wherever possible
  • I know OOP concepts (although honestly never found a use for it in Roblox itself)
  • I understood FE almost instantly

What do I charge
What I charge is based on the complexity of the project. Please enquire for charges

Converted some of @Kevinllululala’s Hyperloop Simulator


To contact me, hook me up on discord @Filtered#2920 I am currently unavailable for contact through Discord

What I deem a ‘good client’
A good client is someone who gives me

  1. Clear and organised instructions
  2. Reasonable Deadlines

I have had instances of nightmare clients, dont be one of them, please?


Trying to contact you on Discord.

i was literally about to go to bed…
I live in the UK

Fair enough, even though I’m one hour ahead of you based on timezones. We can go into deepth tommorow.

Hit me up in DMs I’ve sent a request. 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜#0001

I definitely recommend hiring Filtered_Dev. His work is organized and efficient. I myself have improved as a programmer by learning from his work.

Would be appreciated if you actually replied to your DMs when I’m trying to contact you.

Oh sorry! Unfornatley since I am away from a computer, its more direct to contact me through twitter (@FilteredDev)