Filtering enabled didnt work?

I found out i left clicked on the script at the top and clicked show in explored found it

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So I deleted all its there anything else I should try and search for or am i completely free for backdoors now or reduced it?

There might be more, so it’s best to keep searching.

Do you have any searching ideas? and is this a backdoor?

Did you ever add that line of code there? If you don’t recognise it, it’s best to delete it.

Yes I added it i remember I dont think it is. Its for stage lights

What else should i search for?

After you ran ‘require’ with CTRL+SHIFT+F did anything else come up or was it just that one?

well this came up i checked trough all of them. And i think they are fine I copied the id and searched where it lead me it lead me to the real owner

If you couldn’t find anything else fishy you probably don’t have any backdoors left.

do you know any keywords that backdoors would use? i tried searching for Vaccine like the dude said nothing came up

Vaccine is usually for viruses, namely ones that copy and paste fire all around your game found in some free models. There aren’t exactly any keywords you can search for. Once you’ve eliminated the problem (as you have), to make sure this doesn’t happen again, if you import a free model into your game, check the model and search through it and be 100% certain it does not contain any scripts which might possibly contain a backdoor or a script with the name ‘Vaccine’.

Hope this helped. :smiley:

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It did thank you! i’m gonna go check the game now and see if there is any problems

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If there are any lingering problems don’t be hesitant to post again or DM me.

A lot of backdoors use functions like setfenv, getfenv, require, or loadstring as mentioned before.

Also be aware that some backdoors and viruses are obfuscated intentionally to keep people from understanding what they do, like in this example.

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ngl same thing occur for my game, but its different the hacker literally deleted my map and managed to create and spam forcefield instances.