Filtering Enabled

Union Transparency, CFrames, and Reflextance replicate on their own over filtering.

So does lighting FogEnd FogStart and FogColor3.

Some of these bugs are older but these are really frustrating.

Part CFrames are supposed to replicate as long as the editor client has physics ownership. Could not reproduce any of the other things.

I know there’s an exploit that’s been out for a few weeks now that can manipulate Fog properties of Lighting even if the place is FE.

Those exploits only change the values on the exploiter’s client though (otherwise this would definitely be a widespread problem in FE games)
I tested as well and didn’t see these properties replicated on FE.

In my place filtering enabled is on, fog changes and union changes replicate as well. All of the changes occur through local scripts. My friends tell me they see the changes and I can see their changes.

I’ll post a simple repro soon.

Just to make sure


from the developer console

I’ve seen it firsthand in FE games

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Figured it out. Somehow Filtering Enabled was being turned off.

All good, though. Sorry for the interruption.

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