FilteringEnabled Property is Being Deprecated

finally lol, good riddance :see_no_evil:

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I disagree, many games rely on this being set to false and it’s not particularly dangerous for it to be true.
Worst case scenario, someone plays a sound that was already present on the server (meaning they can’t choose the id) and people get a little confused.
Of course I think all new games should have this on when possible, but no point breaking the older ones.

im confused as to what this is for. could someone explain what this does?

Absolutely nothing. In the past, the property determined whether or not “Experimental Mode” was active, but experimental mode has been removed for years leaving this property deprecated with no use. Now it’s finally being removed and attempting to check it will always return true.

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I’d like to see the statistic here for the “many games” that rely on this feature.

Considering how many old features that have been thrown out which had potential for backwards compatibility, that were not particularly dangerous either, this would be a small blip rather than a game-breaking change. The worst case scenario, granted the exploiter cannot play any sounds not already created by the server, is they spam-play every sound they’re able to access until they leave the game

Admittedly I have no statistic for that, I was working off of the fact that Roblox has lots and lots of places and despite the low chance of big games using it there will still be small ones that do, but I still think it somewhat needless to remove something that causes no visible issues for the platform. If this were removed, it wouldn’t break big games as I said before, but it would still break games without reason. I still think it should remain togglable (on by default), so that individual developers can make the call for what’s right for their game and hold responsibility for the consequence.
It’d be like removing PointsService, it wouldn’t break most games but some still make calls to it, just like how some games still depend on sound playing being exempt from filtering.
(And for anyone that stumbles upon this post, I’m referring to this, not FilteringEnabled)

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The only time I ever set FilteringEnabled to false is when I’m testing old Gear from the Catalog. Sometimes there’s a specific function I’m trying to salvage (i.e. those fireworks that spell out the new year in an array of fireballs.) Many tools were updated by the Admins after 2018, but not all. Experimental Mode can still occasionally come in handy, but it’s obsolete for the sake of obsolescence, if that makes sense.

Removing the property is definitely a good move. Now, among new and old developers that I come across there will no longer be any confusion amongst the checkbox. Personally, I have not even looked at the checkbox in a while, but now there will be lesser confusion. Thank you.

The only thing that makes me sad about this is that now 99% of all avatar gear items are permanently broken and can’t even be used in an “Experimental mode” game.

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could you please keep it so we can perserve older places please. Maybe have it required in newer games but keep the option in older games to perserve history?

Huh? What gear items break because of this change?

Huh, I guess i’ve never developed with filtering enabled off, mostly because its very verniable to exploits. Anyways, this might make filtering enabled more understandable to only have one option - though nothing is really changing, its just being depreciated


I still have my own techniques to bypass “Forcely enabled FE” but the real question here is, this will affect to the gameplay in our games? Like there are still TONS of games that does not work with FE. That wouldn’t be fair for theese developers and all their works on a single roblox game. They migh have spent years on it and its all gone.

I don’t think forcefully enabling FE is the way for preventing exploits, it should stay as what it is now.

FE has been forcefully enabled for the past 3 years. All this is doing is getting rid of the property as it’s been useless and has no reason to exist anymore


I think you misumderstood the text, it’s not removing they remove the option to disable it. if it was that. This would’ve leaden to a chaos since FE prevents muchs of exploits.

99% is certainly exaggerated but the sentiment is right - at least half of all catalog gear items only work in experimental mode for one reason or another. Although, a lot of this can be chalked up to most gear items being poorly made from the get-go; the code for most are absolutely horrid and inefficient.

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Yea but my point was that for the last 3 years, even if you had FilteringEnabled set to false, the game would ignore it and would run pretending that Filtering Enabled is true. All this update does is just make the property always return true which really won’t impact you or anyone in any notable way


But older games do really care about this since they are not able to run with FE, there are really still some games that cannot run with FE and there will be ever.

If you’re dead set on having this option, they’ve also hinted at an option that may come in the future to show deprecated API:


This was definetely needed, thank god this Is happening.