FilterStringAsync 500 Errors

One of the games I develop on has been encountering a significant issue with the chat. It is not infrequent that for brief periods, the chat is completely unusable due to consistent 500 errors. Now, normally I would blame the Roblox API or Community Sift, but the frequency and amount of time this has been a problem for can’t be caused by either. Here’s what shows up in the output.

Even after 5 years of scripting, I haven’t really encountered anything like this. We have already tried removing/updating the chat fork, but this hasn’t fixed our problem. After running Find All for ‘FilterString’, the only occurrences are the chat fork, a comms radio, and an older version of Adonis Admin. Does anybody know what could be causing this?

Error 500 is an internal server error so it’s likely issues with the server and not something the dev can fix.

That’s what I’ve been figuring as a probably option. But based on the frequency of these failures, I feel like there is something on our end which is causing some form of influence.

HTTP 500 is an internal server error, what you are experiencing usually heppens when roblox is having issues which it seems it is currently having.

I don’t think so. If it was something the dev was doing, you’d likely either get error 429 (too many requests [text filtering is supposed to be something that can be done at high volumes]), error 400 (bad request), or another similar status code. Error 500 means there was an issue with the server and how it handled the request.

When playing games I’ve noticed that the chat has gone down a lot lately. This is most likely a server bug as I have seen this warning in other game consoles before.

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