Final showcase of 2022!

Final showcase of 2022… A small office!!
Made by Kristina, 2022-12-29 - 2022-12-31

Game link: Small Office {SHOWCASE} - Roblox



Hey, looks good. I’ll try to be as brutally honest as I can with this showcase.

First of all, I noticed you used the indoor specular setting to add reflections. Which is slightly buggy, and low quality but does the job.

The PC Cases are really small. Even an ITX is bigger.
The cables annoy me because they make 0 sense

The lighting here looks really odd, It just feels wrong.

The keyboard looks ugly and too big.

The outdoors look really weird. There’s no shoreline, nor is there any form of transparency on the water and its generally flat with a weird shade of blue on it. The trees have no variants. Just small and big.

The door handles are really small for no reason.
Even if the game is meant to be played on high graphics, a good showcase will look good even on the lowest graphics. Guess what this showcase looks like?

Every single device has a neon screen, which looks really odd.

TLDR; The lighting feels unnatural, while the outdoors look bland. Some things are too small, while some are too big. There’s little to no attention to detail and the water is ugly.

The build itself is very good, there’s little to no meshes which I like but also make it look odd. Would love to see more attention to detail. Thanks for making this showcase.

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Damn it! It was too hard using plugins to connect the PC to the monitor so I just did this and prayed nobody would notice.

Roblox envmaps :expressionless: we’ve all been there

Can fix and I’m gonna break my promise of not using studio for the rest of the year to fix that, brb

I’ll probably turn a few off another day

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Lighting has been fixed.

A phone was also turned off.

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Lighting feels extremely unnatural, because at the top it’s dark, and then it suddenly becomes very light half way, and the light is shaped weirdly.

I know you used either surface light or spotlight here, which feels like it should be the right choice for this type of ceiling. But almost in every case, point light is the one that feels the most “realistic” and natural.


Wow, thats a nice real life house!
Hold up, Thats roblox?

That looks really well made, however, the biggest issue for me is the keyboard
Still a 10/10 tho

Happy new year :partying_face:

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I should really remodel it then… the keyboard is a reused model from May 2021!!

I think you should change the background to a highly populated city area to see how it looks. The first thing I’d recommend is using the Broken Sky, created by Roblox, and see how it affects the theme.

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