'Find All / Replace All' Often Freezes Studio Indefinitely

Thank you for letting us know, we’re actively working on this, and it seems like some of our efforts were paying off… for a while.

Please let me know if you see any change with this and we’ll also keep you posted with our progress. (Which is, right now, back to looking for more causes of this.)


I am having a similar issue on my Mac. When I click on a result in the Find All / Replace All (It lets me search), Studio crashes. I meant to post a while back, but It won’t let me post bugs for some reason, so I suppose I will here.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Find All / Replace All
  2. Search a term.
  3. Click on any of the matches.

Reproduction Files
I messaged the crash report from my Mac.

System Information:
Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max 64GB Memory

Expected Behavior
After clicking on an item in the results of the Find all/ Replace All it should take me to that script.

Actual Behavior
After clicking on an item in the results of the Find all/ Replace All it crashes and closes studio immediately.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Crashing
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Always


Also having this issue. It seems to be a 50/50 chance when I Ctrl + Shift + F any text. I’ve had it happen a few minutes after opening studio. It happens every day usually dozens of times.

I notice it most when I Find All with text already selected, but it still does occur when I type text in.


Any updates on this? I used Find All / Replace All by accident, and after it opened around 100 scripts, my studio froze. Every time I open that studio file, it still is frozen. After reinstalling studio, the game opened the first time without problems, but any consecutive tries freeze my studio yet again. I need an update on this because it’s causing major workflow problems.


I’m attempting to replace 2,134 results with a blank (single whitespace). Upon doing so, studio stops responding (and does not recover)

In this instance, it appears that the mass quantity of items is causing the crash (similar to using ctrl+A on a massive workspace). Is this something I can mitigate somehow? A malicious plugin inserted hundreds of lines of code that I need to batch replace but because of this issue my only option is to manually remove 2134 lines of code from 498 files.

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I do not think that is the cause. I’ve tried replacing words that only appear in 1 or 2 scripts and it still crashed. I also do not think this is caused by having a large amount of scripts in the game as I remember a while back making a baseplate place with a few scripts and still having the crash happen. Though again this was a while back, like maybe 2 months ago. I will say recently I’ve noticed the crash has not happened and I’ve felt safer using the find all feature, but I don’t want to jinx it :grimacing:

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I think you’re right, I think it has to do with the number of scripts. I’ve noticed it doesn’t crash on other games with less scripts.

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It looks like the Auto-save and Find and Replace All are colliding. We don’t have a fix on this yet and will keep you posted as we progress on this.


We have changes coming to revise the current find/replace functionality, and this will be addressed with those changes. Thanks again!


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