I guess a new/weird one is already being worked on, but when you check “Regular expression” and search for something like u.*?o where it would find the shortest string that starts with u and ends with o, it doesn’t understand. I tried making it a Lua pattern by changing it to u.-o and that didn’t work either.
It is working for me, but with a different pattern. Try “u[^o]*o”
Basicly ROBLOX studio doesn’t support ? for “as few as possible” it seems…
(It works fine if you want to do an optional character/set, but not stuff like \w{1,3}?
Roblox uses Scintilla for text editing, right?
this should be the format it uses then.
Looks like “*?” should work (see [5-6]) then.
And yet it appears not to… strange.
Eh, so ROBLOX is not using that or is flawed?