Find and replace text in selection only in script editor

when you press ctrl+f(find) it searches for a word in the whole script. how about a new shortcut where it only searchs for that word in the text you have selected?
also do the same for ctrl+h(replace) plx


This is an ultra-specific request. Not even web browsers offer this functionality. Just copy and paste your selection into Notepad or Notepad++ and search from there.

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Sublime Text 3 does this too.

Sublime Text 3 does this too.[/quote]

Most text-editors/IDEs do this too.*

Seranok, web browsers weren’t a great example to use because ROBLOX Studio is an IDE - not a web browser. And most IDEs do actually contain search-in-selection - and Eclipse does it by default, if a selection exists.

ROBLOX Studio’s script editor is never going to be a full-blown IDE. It will always have much less functionality than tools like Sublime or Notepad++. So I recommend using those tools instead.

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“An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.” (Integrated development environment - Wikipedia)

I’m sorry, but I’m fairly certain that ROBLOX Studio contains most, if not all, of those things. Therefore it is an IDE. The script editor is a component of ROBLOX studio.

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“An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.” (Integrated development environment - Wikipedia)

I’m sorry, but I’m fairly certain that ROBLOX Studio contains most, if not all, of those things. Therefore it is an IDE. The script editor is a component of ROBLOX studio.[/quote]

What I think he’s trying to say is that spending effort improving the ROBLOX script editor when there are better, easily-accessible tools doesn’t seem that appealing to the ROBLOX dev team, and that they probably won’t be updating it unless it’s absolutely necessary. Believe me, I hate using other programs and copying and pasting back into Studio – I don’t do that, nor will I ever do that, but those tools do exist and ROBLOX doesn’t /need/ to upgrade the script editor in studio, so they won’t unfortunately.

What I was trying to say is that the script editor will always be on the back burner to some degree because there is the rest of Studio to worry about, so it will always be missing shortcuts every other script editor has.

But yes, this is a reasonable request to make.

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[quote] What I was trying to say is that the script editor will always be on the back burner to some degree because there is the rest of Studio to worry about, so it will always be missing shortcuts every other script editor has.

But yes, this is a reasonable request to make. [/quote]

Ah, okay. Sorry for sounding rude if I did. :slight_smile:

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As you can see, I need to change “LoadingFrame” to “Skipper”, this is just an example obviously.
If I wanted to do this I’d need to copy it to Notepad, replace it all there, or spam “Replace Next”

Also I disagree with the rest of the comments here. It’s been 5 years and still NOTHING has happened. If a feature should be implemented, it should. If it can’t be, someone should say!

Plus, while I can open notepad to do it, I shouldn’t have to consider it’s 100% roblox orientated.

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