Find Decal ID Owner

Hello. Lets say I have a decal/Image ID, and want to find the account which created it. Is there any way I can do so? Perhaps any add-ons that can do this?

Thank you.

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I would look into the :GetProductInfo() method that can be found under MarketPlaceService. It will return a dictionary containing information about the product.

It requires two arguments, the ID of the given asset and an InfoType enumeration.

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local retrieved_info: {[string]: any} = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(73751515625231, Enum.InfoType.Asset) -- Returns a dictionary
print(retrieved_info.Creator) -- The dictionary contains information regarding the creator under the "Creator" key.

Hope this helps.

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