This is my current code, but it doesnt seem to work:
local function OffsetToScale(Offset)
local ViewPortSize = workspace.Camera.ViewportSize
return UDim2.fromScale(Offset.X / ViewPortSize.X, Offset.Y / ViewPortSize.Y)
local delta = OffsetToScale(, Mouse.Y)) - (UDim2.fromScale(.25,1) - OffsetToScale(,0)) )
The delta should return a value 0-1 based on the distance
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local function getPosition()
while true do
print(,mouse.Hit.p.X, 0,mouse.Hit.p.Y))
What I’m trying to do is make this timestamp scrollable, so I need to find the distance between mouse and the start of the frame so I know how far to put the progress.
I assume you want the function to return 0 when the position is at the left end of a Frame and 1 when it’s at the right end?
It’s not very clear because that’s what I see in
The delta should return a value 0-1 based on the distance
but your code seems to be using the Y axis of the mouse in some manner.
A GuiBase2D has AbsolutePosition and AbsoluteSize properties which correspond to its size in pixels and the position of its AnchorPoint on screen.
local frame -- any GUI element
local mousepos =, Mouse.Y) -- sort of leaves me pondering where you get Mouse from? If it's a Vector2, then just use Mouse instead of recreating it
local topleft = frame.AbsolutePosition - (frame.AbsoluteSize * frame.AnchorPoint) -- position of the top left corner of the GUI element on the screen
local mouse01 = (mousepos - topleft) / frame.AbsoluteSize -- this will be a Vector2. If the mouse is at the top left corner of the GUI, then it will be (0, 0). If it's at the bottom right corner, it will be (1, 1).
-- pseudocode: resize a progress bar and write a timestamp
local progress = math.clamp(mouse01.X, 0, 1) -- not sure if the value to clamp is 1st or 3rd, did not check
progressbar.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
progresstext.Text = secondsToTimestamp(progress * length) -- e.g. 2:34
I cannot test any of this code because I do not have Studio on this computer.
Edit: this also does not account for rotation of the frame, but that’s easy to compensate for and you most likely will not rotate your bar
Edit: for a second opinion, find any free model color picker that looks like this and inspect the code to see how it turns a mouse position into a number 0-1 within an ImageButton:
Thank you for your help! I’m not too sure what’s wrong with your code but it caps at 1 half way through the frame and starts at 0.5
(It is printing the progress)
I forgot to respond with a solution yesterday night, but I ended up taking borrowing code from a free model and changing it a bit to work with my frame. The reason I used the code from the free model is because it also included a snap amount.
Here’s my finished code:
local snapAmount = 4 -- higher = snappier
local xOffset = math.floor((Mouse.X - ScrollerFrame.AbsolutePosition.X) / snapAmount + 0.5) * snapAmount
local xOffsetClamped = math.clamp(xOffset, 0, ScrollerFrame.AbsoluteSize.X)
local roundedAbsSize = math.floor(ScrollerFrame.AbsoluteSize.X / snapAmount + 0.5) * snapAmount
local roundedOffsetClamped = math.floor(xOffsetClamped / snapAmount + 0.5) * snapAmount
local sliderValue = roundedOffsetClamped / roundedAbsSize
ScrollerFrame.Progress.Size =,0,1,0)
Change your frame’s AnchorPoint to (0, 0) just to see how it behaves.
If that fixes it, then I (or you) mustn’t have accounted for AnchorPoint properly.
Don’t be ashamed, that’s what the Toolbox is there for.
Stigma against using free models has done a lot of damage to the game and the community.
I forgot to actually read your code! You didn’t adjust the position based on AnchorPoint at all.
local xOffset = math.floor((Mouse.X - ScrollerFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + (ScrollerFrame.AbsoluteSize.X * ScrollerFrame.AnchorPoint.X)) / snapAmount + 0.5) * snapAmount
If it’s still not right, then turn the ... AbsolutePosition.X + ( ... into a ... AbsolutePosition.X - ( ...
(the plus into a minus)