I REALLY Wanna Make The Tube from find everything, But I have no idea how to Recreate The Function, its similar to a Clear pipe from SM3DW
Basically This in short I wanna make this:
I REALLY Wanna Make The Tube from find everything, But I have no idea how to Recreate The Function, its similar to a Clear pipe from SM3DW
Basically This in short I wanna make this:
Assuming the player doesn’t need to control it, it seems that it just waits until the player touches the entrance, then anchors them, applies an animation, and tweens them through a series of waypoints, positioned at the key points in the pipe (such as the start/end and any corners / turns). Once it goes through all the tweens, simply unanchor the player. (You may need to add a velocity to the player to make it smooth)
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