Find magnitude and part in table?

I am kinda stuck logically. You see, basically what happens is, the function runs through a table of parts, and then it checks which one has the lowest magnitude, then returns it.

But, I am attempting to find WHICH part has the lowest magnitude, and to do that I assumed I need to find the lowest magnitude first. I have no idea to how return the part that has the lowest magnitude. Does anyone have any clue?

local function distanceCheck(otherPart)
	local distances = {}
	for i, v in pairs(otherPart) do
		local check = (HRP.Position - v.Position).Magnitude
		distances[i] = check
	return math.min(unpack(distances))
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I would look @Exeplex’s post. And use math.huge for the highest magnitude instead of 9999999.

All I could think of is adding a second for loop below which loops through all the distances and keeps track of the smallest one. unpack won’t work since it does indxes and values.

local maxDistance = math.huge
for i,v in pairs(distances) do
  if v < maxDistance then
     maxDistance = v
return table.find(distances,maxDistance)
local function distanceCheck(otherPart)
    local lowestmagnitude = 9999999 - Some insanely high number for the first check to pass
    local closestpart = nil

	for i, v in pairs(otherPart) do
		local check = (HRP.Position - v.Position).Magnitude
        if check < lowestmagnitude then -- If the magnitude is lower than the previous lowestmagnitude
            lowestmagnitude = check -- Set the new low
		    closestpart = v -- Set the part that is closest
	return closestpart, lowestmagnitude 

local closestpart, lowestmagnitude = distanceCheck()

You just have to set an insanely high value for the first part to pass as the “lowest magnitude”, then every other part will be checked against it. When a part has a lower magnitude, change the variables to the lowest magnitude and what part is closest. In the end, you can return them.

Edit: You don’t have to return the lowest magnitude, it’s just an extra in case you need it. You can simply just return the part into one variable :slight_smile:


Thanks bro!
I am confused, why use a high number for the first check, so it can get all parts available in the table?

Lets say you have 3 parts. Their magnitudes are: 5, 10, 15

If you set the lowestmagnitude variable to 0. None of those parts will be considered closest, because their magnitudes are higher than 0.

If you set lowestmagnitude to 9999. 5 will be the closest part. Because it is lower than 9999.

Because 15 is lower than 9999, 10 is lower than 15, 5 is lower than 10. Also in case you only have 1 part in the array, that part will be the closest

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You can actually find the lowest magnitude without using a very large number plus a tiny optimization with allocated table memory creation if you use table.create for an array.

The original solution is however better because of the maximum distance that you can set. I below have some alternatives to use which will do the same thing of course.

No large number alternative
local function pairsFind(t, value)
	for i, v in pairs(t) do
		if v == value then
			return i

local function partWithLowestMagnitude(parts, compareTo)
    local t = table.create(#parts)
    for _, part in ipairs(parts) do
        t[part] = (part.Position - compareTo.Position).Magnitude
    local lowest = math.min(unpack(t))
    return pairsFind(t, lowest), lowest

local part, magnitude = partWithLowestMagnitude({workspace.Part, workspace.Part1, workspace.Part2, workspace.Part3}, compareTo)

It’s the same thing in the end, your method just utilizes more library methods which do the same thing under the hood. It’s not optimizing the code other than reducing 1 or two lines.

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I am not saying it optimizes the code, I just mean table.create could be used for optimization in array cases, also I made a slight error in the code so I’m going to edit and fix it. table.find only works on arrays which I forgot.

I actually think the solution script is better because you can set a maximum distance case opposed to none.