Find The Frogs Updates! Stay Tuned!
Biggest Changes:
- Added Warrior world - Includes all 18 new frogs!
- Added Creating system! - With this system people will be able to visit the world you have made, you can make your own frogs and even worlds! Have fun with this new feauture!
Smaller Changes:
- Pitched bunny frogs speed
- Expanded desert world
- Reduced script lines (Should help reduce lag)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed animated frogs from exiting there Y / X position.
- Fixed invisible walls being removed by animated frogs making the ACD false.
- Fixed players being able to reach %World displaying on UI when % Of World is not reached
- Fixed multiple UIs being able to be opened at once
- Fixed animated frogs stop animating when another animated animal is being animated (Bug is due to the same name of model, Sheep, Sheep because copy.)
- Fixed players being able to change UI text based on any tool the player was holding.
- Fixed loading scripts Tweenservice.