FindFindChild ignoring case

Hello, I would like to use FindFirstChild(“Name”) but with ignoring the case.

Example : U have the string “Name” and in workspace, you have an instance named “nAmE”. I would like :FindFirstChild to find it anyways, ignoring case.

Thank you!

Will need your own function. Pretty easy. Just go through all children/descendants, ignore casing via string.lower.

local function find_first_child(instance, name, recursive)
    local descendants = not recursive and instance:GetChildren() or instance:GetDescendants()

    for _, descendant in ipairs(descendants) do
        if descendant.Name:lower() == name:lower() then
            return descendant
    return nil

I do know I can do that but there’s no other way to only proceed with :FindFirstChild?

No there is not, you will need a custom function like the one I provided. Your use case seems very niche, so I see no reason to use the built-in api.