So i’m making world generation and basically it’ll pick a random position on the map, get the terrain material, and then place something down if there is a folder for the material. Here is the code:
local function place()
for i = 1, maxspecimens, 1 do
local x = rnd:NextInteger(mapz, mapx)
local z = rnd:NextInteger(mapz, mapx)
local ret = findterrainY(x,z)
if ret then
local pos = ret[1]
local mat = ret[2]
if ss.Stuff:FindFirstChild(mat) then
local folder = ss:FindFirstChild(mat):GetChildren()
local item = folder[math.random(#folder)]
local billy = item:Clone()
local posi = pos +,3,0)
billy.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Stuff")
print("yeah yeaaah yeah")
This is what ss.Stuff looks like:
Help would be appreciated
What you are doing is using a Material EnumItem as the argument for :FindFirstChild(). However, you should actually be using a string instead. You can convert it to a string by doing the following:
local stringifiedEnumItem = tostring(Enum.Material.Grass)
print(stringifiedEnumItem) --> Enum.Material.Grass
I also notice you have inconsistencies with where you are looking for this material folder:
The first check is doing it in the proper place, but the second one is not.
In summary, you need to convert your material enum to a string and ensure you are using :FindFirstChild() on the correct instance. It should look something like this:
local stringifiedMaterialEnum = tostring(mat)
local materialFolder = ss.Stuff:FindFirstChild(stringifiedMaterialEnum)
if materialFolder then
local itemsWithinFolder = materialFolder:GetChildren()