I am trying to script a remote event that will change a value stored in a player when a GUI button is clicked. Currently, I am able to click the button on the client, and get the remote event to fire. The code that fires the event looks like this: remote:FireServer(player, metal, -amount)
and it starts this function:
changeValue.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, value, amount)
local newPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local newValue = newPlayer.playerValues:FindFirstChild(value)
newValue.Value += amount
In the local script, player is set to Players.LocalPlayer, metal is set to “Bronze”, and amount is set to a number. When any player joins, I clone a folder into the player that contains a bunch of values called playerValues. Inside playerValues there is a value called Bronze, but the code can’t seem to find it. The print function prints nil for (newValue). Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
When you fire a remote event from the client, you don’t need to add a player argument. Server scripts that handle remote events will automatically have a player parameter for the player who fired the event, so use remote:FireServer(metal, amount).
Thanks, that worked. If I would have read the dev hub more carefully I would have seen that. But now I have the problem that the value is getting set to minus three times what I want to sell, almost like the event is firing three times.
local newPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
This is unnecessary because the “player” variable already gives you the player instance, making it unneeded. However, maybe you were using this to just debug :FindFirstChild()
Wait, I think I see your problem. remote:FireServer() ALWAYS sends the player that called it as the first argument. Even if you made sure the arguments were empty (like remote:FireServer()), it will still send the player instance.
So what ends up happening here, since you are calling remote:FireServer(Players.LocalPlayer,"Bronze",[INSERT_NUMBER]), what ACTUALLY gets sent is this:
And since your OnServerEvent function expects only 3 arguments,
“player” gets set to [INSERT_PLAYER_INSTANCE],
“value” gets set to Players.LocalPlayer
“amount” gets set to “Bronze”
And the number argument gets discarded.
To fix this, just do remote:FireServer(metal,amount) like @MooMooManager suggested