FindFirstChild returns type Instance instead of Instance? and RaycastResult.Instance is type any instead of Instance

Currently FindFirstChild returns Instance as its type, this should be corrected to Instance? as FindFirstChild calls do not gaurantee a result.

Also RaycastResult.Instance returns type any instead of Instance or BasePart | Terrain.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Noting that Terrain inherits from BasePart, only BasePart is necessary

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The type is still wrong on FindFirstChild(). It’s also wrong on the other Instance search methods:

  • FindFirstAncestor
  • FindFirstAncestorOfClass
  • FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA
  • FindFirstChildOfClass
  • FindFirstChildWhichIsA
  • FindFirstDescendant
  • WaitForChild
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Bumping this, should be resolved by now.