Finding a players username through a script?

Hello everyone. I need some help trying to find the player’s username through a script? I’m trying to display the players username on a BillBoard GUI when a ClickDetector is clicked. I’m not very good at scripting.

Here is my code so far:

local detector = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local username = -- How do I find this?

	-- Code will go here.

I am trying to display the username on the “PlayerName” TextLabel after the click detector was clicked. image

Once I know how to find the username, I should be able to find the leaderstats, right?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

(Apologise if this is all wrong.)

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It’s really simple you just have to do this.

	local username = player.Name

Wow! Thanks for your response, it works perfectly.