Finding a point in a circle between the outer edge of of the radius, and the edge of an inner radius?

I’m working on a script that creates portals in a semicicle around the player. The portals spawn between a maximum distence from the center(the player), and another smaller semicircle a few studs around the player.
Radius ![Radius|592x302]
Thus far I’ve set up a maximum distence from the player, and a minimum around the player.

This is what I’ve got so far.

local RetrievedTreasures = {}
local function CheckIntersection(Object, Treasures)
	local Intersects = false
	for _,v in pairs(Treasures) do
		local radius = 6
		local distance = (Object.PrimaryPart.position - v.WepPosCF).Magnitude
		if distance < radius then
			Intersects = true break
	return Intersects

local function CreatePortal()
    local Intersect = true
    while Intersect do
        Portal:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() + (char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().RightVector * RandomNumSelection({math.random(-max, -5), math.random(5, max)})) + (char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().LookVector * -1) + (char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().UpVector * math.random(0,max)))

        Intersect = CheckIntersection(Portal, RetrievedTreasures)

It works ok, but the problem is that it leaves a gap above the player between the two Z values, and its the whole spawn region for the portals are in a rectangle shape rather then a semicircle.

I’m not very good at explaining things so if theres any questions I’ll try to answer. Thanks in advance.

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Ok I figured it out. I just needed to add this line to the CreatePortal function.

local Distance = (Portal.PrimaryPart.position - char.PrimaryPart.position).Magnitude
	if Distance < 5 or Distance > max then
		Intersect = true
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