Finding Good Particle Textures

My game uses lots of particles. I usually search “particle” in the toolbox and grab the textures from the particles, but it have a wide variety of particles, many of which are too similar. If and whenever you use particles, where do you get them - do you make them, get them from the toolbox, or another source?

I would suggest to use your own particles to avoid any problems. But if you don’t care about that, you could search for them on Google since Roblox’s particles system uses 2d sprites.

Something like: “Snow particles sprites” could work.

Creating your own is way more useful tho, and it isn’t hard at all.

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There are sites that provide transparent particle images that you can find with a simple search, ‘ pngtree’ for example provides transparent images that are high quality. However whatever type of particle design your wanting to create you can do this in many painting programs such as gimp and Inkscape they provide you with the transparent tool, that are able to produce custom particles,

I would recommend creating your own if your wanting to find some quality designs consider searching and reading the copyright information to see if you have the permission to use them for example:


Thanks! I’ll check it out. Maybe one day I’ll decide to make some of my own. Do you have any (free) programs you can suggest? I only have gimp,, and I used to have Blender.

Sorry for the late response;

Those are good common options there are many alternatives such as Inkscape gimp and variety of painting programs m. The ones you listed are good fit creating your own custom particle image. If you need guiding tutorials for getting started; there may be videos and resources out there for creating particle images. Gimp is a good program I recommend using its for creating many types of things in.

Paint net is a similar program like others however I don’t have much experience with it, as the name and tools look identical to any program you choose to use.

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