Finding object inside nested table

Hello there!
I’m trying to find an object (player name and id) inside a table with multiple dictionaries inside of it. The object is supposed to be inside one of said dictionaries.
To do so, I used a recursive\deep search function I found here on the DevForum, but unfortunately it keeps returning false, as if the object i’m looking for wasn’t inside the table I pass.

This is the resursive\deep search function in question:

local function deepSearch(t, key_to_find)
	for key, value in pairs(t) do
		if value == key_to_find then
			return true,t

		if typeof(value) == "table" then
			return deepSearch(value, key_to_find),nil
	return false,nil

This is the function where I run the aforementioned function and insert the player name and user id. Basically, i use the deepSearch() function to check if the player is already inside one of the dictionaries.

Corrosion.Stages = {{},{},{},{}} --table with dictionaries where i story the players

function Corrosion:triggerStage(plr:Player,corrosion:number,oldCorrosion)
	local stage = self:getStage(plr,corrosion)
	if stage >= 1 and stage <= 4 then
		local isPresent,tb = deepSearch(self.Stages,plr.UserId)
		if not isPresent then
			self.Stages[stage][plr.Name] = plr.UserId
			local corrosionStage = require(script:FindFirstChild(tostring(stage)))
			warn("just logged")
		elseif isPresent then
			warn("player found inside one of dictionaries")
			local oldStage = self:getStage(plr,oldCorrosion) print(stage,oldStage)
			if stage ~= oldStage then
				self.Stages[oldStage][plr.Name] = nil
				self.Stages[stage][plr.Name] = plr.UserId
				local stageOld = require(script:FindFirstChild(oldStage))
				local stageNew = require(script:FindFirstChild(stage))
				print("is this even working?")
	elseif stage == 0 then
		warn("not enough corrosion!!")
		local isPresent,tb = deepSearch(self.Stages,plr.UserId)
		if isPresent then
			tb[plr.Name] = nil
			local oldStage = self:getStage(plr,oldCorrosion)
			warn("i just logged sis")

Does anyone know if I’m doing anything wrong? Perhaps I’m indexing the player inside one of the dictionaries the wrong way, hence why it returns false?

EDIT: this is where I got the deepSearch() function

Is it a problem with the function? Set up the table yourself and see if it works then.

local t = {{a=0},{b=1},{c=2}}
local function deepSearch(t, key_to_find)
	for key, value in pairs(t) do
		if value == key_to_find then
			return true,t

		if typeof(value) == "table" then
			return deepSearch(value, key_to_find),nil
	return false,nil

print(deepSearch(t, 1))

If this works in the console, you’ll need to check that the table actually contains the proper user ID.

I think it’s a problerm with the function at this point, because it should return true and the second dictionary in this case, right?

I believe it does because when I printed the content of the table, the correct ID was displayed.

Maybe try this…?

local function deepSearch(t, key_to_find)
	for key, value in pairs(t) do
		if value == key_to_find then
			return true,t

		deepSearch(value, key_to_find) 
	return false,nil

You can add the type check, what I meant is don’t do return deepSearch.

I see the issue. I’ve fixed it as well as made the function slightly more practical.

local function deepSearch(t, key_to_find)
	for key, value in pairs(t) do
		if value == key_to_find then
			return t, key
		if typeof(value) == "table" then
-- Original function always returned results of deepSearch here, but we should not return unless it is not nil.
			local a, b = deepSearch(value, key_to_find)
			if a then return a, b end
	return nil

Now instead of returning true/false which is generally unnecessary, it returns either the table and the key of the found value, or just nil.
Example usage:

local returnedTable, key = deepSearch(tab, userId)
if returnedTable then
    if type(key) == "number" and math.floor(key) == key then
        table.remove(returnedTable, key) -- it's an array
        returnedTable[key] = nil -- it's a dictionary
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That seems to work perfectly! Thank you so much.

May I know why you consider it unnecessary? Is it a bad practice?

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In Lua, things are considered “truthy” and will pass if statements so long as they aren’t nil and aren’t false. So if a value exists, it will pass an if statement.

if returnedValue then

Even in most other languages it doesn’t make much sense to return a separate value. Either the function is successful and returns something, or it doesn’t return something. You don’t need a true/false to tell you that it didn’t find anything.

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