Finding The Local Player Via Script

For the Clicking Side it works The only thing that doesnt work is giving players on the killing team the Tool

You have to fire a remoteEvent to the server and you can get the LocalPlayer on the server through it
Btw if you’re changing the team in a localscript it probably only appears for them only

Yes cause Each player will join the game at his own time and if he closes the Ui he will only close his side of the Ui’s

I get that but you should change the player’s team on the server otherwise the weapon clone wont work bc the server still thinks they’re on the other team

Aight I get that I will try that cause I want to avoid as much memory leak in the game Should I put it in the same script as the WeaponCloneHandler?

Well you’d still need to know when they click the button to change team

Ight I Understand now but you do know that with the local script I wrote it detects when I chamge the team and it changes it

But you talkd about looping through players in game How would that work

And you said something about alway checking what team players are on instead of checking once

Want me to write a bit of code?

That would help yes I would like to check between both your code and my code

Orrr Im just guessing you can achieve that by making a while loop that check every 10 seconds if a player is in the killer team it gives them the weapon??

for i,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do -- loops through all children of Players
   print(plr.Team) -- prints what team every player is on

Local code:

-- Client (LocalScript)
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remoteEvent = replicatedStorage.RemoteEvent

local guiButton = -- Refer to your UIButton here


Server side code:

-- Server (Script)
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local remoteEvent = replicatedStorage.RemoteEvent
local tool = -- Reference to your weapon here

    local character = player.Character
    if (character) then
        local backpack = player.Backpack
        local isToolInBackpack = backpack:FindFirstChild(tool.Name)
        local isToolEquipped = character:FindFirstChild(tool.Name)

        if (isToolInBackpack or isToolEquipped) then
            -- Decide how you want to handle the case
            -- where a player who already has a weapon
            -- clicks your UI Button again

            -- In this example, I'll just exit from this listener

        task.wait(toolCloneDelay) -- Decide how long you want to delay the cloning for
        local toolClone = tool:Clone()
        toolClone.Parent = backpack

This example code, on a GUI button click, would clone a tool into the player’s backpack without allowing them to duplicate their tools.

EDIT: Just a question, did you also want to make sure the player is on the killer team when they click the GUI button?

Here is what I did

for i, players in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	if players.TeamColor == KillersTeamColor then
		local ClonedWeapon = Weapon:Clone()
		ClonedWeapon.Parent = players.Backpack

this would work for giving the players on the killers team the right tools, but there are some possible issues here:

  • if this code is ran multiple times whenever a new killer is added, any players already on the killers team will receive duplicates of the tool

  • unless you have done so already, you will still need to set up the code for actually detecting the buttons input, and changing the teams of the player to the killers team (which personally i think makes sense to do the tool cloning and parenting here rather than looping over every single player)

edit: typo
edit 2: magic graciously gave you all the info you would need for addressing the second problem (link in case you missed it)

i did notice lol it just seems to have gone past everyone else

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ok is there an event that checks if you currently have the tool in your backpack?

if plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("toolname") then

I’d also recommend storing the killer in a variable for reference and to see if theyre still in the game etc

ofc Thank you lol im so stupid