Finding who pressed the TextButton in surface GUI

so, I wanted to find out which player pressed a textbutton in a surfaceGUI but since its on a server script idk how…

You can use always use script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(plr)

The plr variable is the one that clicks or pressed the TextButton if you have a click detector for it

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look its a text button and that script is the one detecting it

You can have a RemoteEvent send Data to the Server, and print the Players name from there

can you elaborate?

[this is for 30_chars]

I have a server script that detects when the button is pressed and I want it to detect which player pressed that text button and the button is in a surface GUI in the workspace.

Not sure whats there to elaborate upon,

But I’ll keep it brief:

Create a RemoteEvent, and add the argument Player inside it:

RemoteEvent OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player)
print(Player.Name.." Pressed the Button")

And in your Button Script:


my button is in the workspace, in a surfaceGUI and local scripts cant run in the workspace.

They can, and you will be mistaken to think that

  • Put the SurfaceGui inside StarterGui

  • Adornne (NOT PARENT) the UI to the Part

From there, you can use LocalScripts in the SurfaceGui

Plus, you can create a Regular Script, and set its RunContext property to Client, there you can use it in the workspace :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: u can do that? lemme see if it works

but I got a problem. here is my script

local currentID = 0

	for index, value in pairs(items) do 
		local cloned = script.SelectionFrame:Clone()
		cloned.Parent = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
		cloned.Customer.Text = customerName
		cloned.TextLabel.Text = value.Name
			if plr:GetRankInGroup() >= 7 then


it clones a template into the scrolling frame which has a UI grid layout how can I make this still work?

can anyone help me? I can provide explorer if needed.

You can get the plr when it clicks the button like this



The plr variable finds the player who clicks the button. You may know the players name using print(plr.Name)

Edit: I forgot I replied to this already xd

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