Fingerprinting Script help

Hey, I was going to make a fingerprinting system that would be in every script that has it, but I realized that would’ve been too much work and people can delete the script. I was going to base it off of JakeRU’s post but edit the script to make it run the script. My second idea was to use require to load it but I am not that skilled and it took me a while to understand how to use a module script let alone require one. XD (Note: I am very good at NodeJS, not so much with Lua.)

What’s your use case for a fingerprinting system for game code? What are you trying to do? Chances are that you aren’t going to need to delve into something like a fingerprinting system for writing game code so much as you would have that kind of need for a web server or other non-game utility.


I am using it for making products for my tech group. I was also thinking of making a loader but from other peoples’ experience, it is just learning something new for a long time that should’ve been thought at the start.