Finished Claw with Math

A little while ago, I made a post about using inverse kinematics to make a claw. I now finished the claw, figuring out all the math by using trig, wolfram-alpha, and diagrams. Here is a video of it:

(In the real game, the robot will not be controlled by a moving attachment, but rather it will be tweened between positions, looking much smoother. Here the tweens are used but with a time of 0, which is probably part of the reason it is a bit choppy.).

What are your thoughts? Any ways that I could improve the actual model? (I know it is quite simplistic.)


Why didn’t you just use the IKcontrol Instance? Is it because it is buggy or maybe it didn’t work like you wanted it to?

Because I wanted to make the robot arms follow a curved path (at all times they form an arc of a circle).