Finished Product Of My Birthday Game ||


I have finished the Birthday Game, and its fully ready, and I’m celebrating it on ROBLOX, my actual Birthday is on November 1st, and the game is open to public.

Birthday Game



Looks interesting, what kind of game is it?

I would join but game joining is still broken for me so I can’t

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the game is a place where you spawn on a island and just party, it has a volcano, a underwater tower with a giant mech of me inside, a watch tower, etc. I just hosted a small 1 hour party on it with my friends and they left after. i also played with 1 of my other friends and a dev forum user, i had fun, im doing the live event tomorrow. after my birthday is overwith ima make it into a island game where players can hangout on, and ima do a map overhaul.


Nice map! Is that a volcano or a mountain? If it’s a volcano, you might want to add some lava.

PS: What’s that code there behind the volcano? :confused:

its my age subtracted from this current year
hint: i turned 14

Nice! (Oops I accidentally turned on core explosion I didn’t know what dem button was for sorry :frowning: )

EDIT: The ? button on the bottom right doesn’t work, and there doesn’t seem to be anything in the volcano

dang thats nice just better building ig and maybe ui

happy bday

Happy birthday! The 3D text should be flat, tho.

Impressive map! Did you low-poly the assets?

If so, your skills are amazing!

Happy birthday btw :grin: