I’m a new scripter and I recently managed to make a blast script with the help of a tutorial, I understand the script, however, I don’t know how to change it to do exactly what I want, which is to fire in the direction the player is facing instead of firing at the position of the mouse like its currently doing
local PPosition = RHand.Position + CFrame.new(RHand.Position,Mouse.p).lookVector * 1
Part.CFrame = CFrame.new(PPosition, Mouse.p)
local BV = Instance.new("BodyVelocity" , Part)
BV.Velocity = Mouse.LookVector * 140
BV.MaxForce = Vector3.new(1e8,1e8,1e8)
I’ve experimented with it on my own, and then tried to find a potential fix online to no avail
Thank you