What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
solution I’ve tried was to change the script
to a fire-server instead and remove the player tag but that wouldn’t fire the remote event either, I read that you can’t put a fire client in a local script but I don’t know how to replace it
You have to make the OnServerEvent in a server script for the “:FireServer()” but for OnClientEvent you have to put it in a local script and put “:FireClient()” in the server script.
BindableInstances should be used instead of RemoteInstances, BindableInstances, unlike RemoteInstances, only allow script messaging on the current script context environment (Script boundary - Server/Client/Core/Edit/Studio/Plugin). While RemoteInstances allow script messaging across the CoSE (Client/Server boundary). Use this to your advantage good sir!