Fire client for players that's in a folder

so i’m trying to get every player in a folder (folder name is “PIBF”) and activate an fire client for those players inside of the folder

the error is “GetChildren() is not a part of folder”

i’ve tried GetPlayers() but that’s only for the Players service, and also tried getting help on discord servers but my question got flooded. I’ve tried looking it up and on the forum but i just kept seeing how would add players to a folder and other things that doesn’t answer my question.

                    for i, v in pairs(PIBF:GetChildren()) do

Can you show more of the script? It looks like we’re missing some stuff that could explain why the script is erroring.

sure everything else works as intended i just put that part of it since, it’s just that section (what i’m trying to do is make the boss health change for everyone that’s in the boss level

local damage = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Damage
local jeff = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid
local PIBF = workspace.BosslevelPlayers

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local health = script.Parent.Parent.Head.BillboardGui.Frame.Health

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BossHealth")

local debounce = true
	local human = player.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if human and part.Name == "Kill" and debounce == true then
		debounce = false
		human.Health = human.Health - damage.Value
	elseif human and part.Name == "good" then
			health.Size =,0,1,0)
			local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(player.Parent)
			if human.Health ~= 0 then
				for i, v in pairs(#PIBF:GetPlayers()) do
						remoteEvent:FireClient(v, jeffH, jeff)	
	debounce = true

i have a question before answering, do you want to add the player object to a folder or the character object to a folder?

the player object gets added to the folder when they touch a part, then the boss gets turned on, i assume it has to be the character object

PIBF is an Instance, so the # infront of it is probably causing the error. Maybe try PIBF:GetChildren().

I suggest creating a table instead of adding them to a folder. Like so:

local PlayersThatTouchedBlock = {}

Then run table.insert(PlayersThatTouchedBlock, Player). Then loop through all those player instances.

yeah that’s exactly what i had in mind, this is what i ended up doing. but it got to complex so i went back to doing the folder thingy. i don’t mind the table thing being complex it’s just me wondering how i’ll be able to turn it into a metatable so other scripts would be able to use those players inside of the folder

local PlayersInBossFight = {}

	if TouchedPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local character = TouchedPart.Parent
		local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
		local AlreadyInTable = false
		for _,OtherPlayer in next,PlayersInBossFight do
			if OtherPlayer == Player then
				AlreadyInTable = true
		if not AlreadyInTable then
			for i, val in pairs(PlayersInBossFight) do
				local PL = game.Players:FindFirstChild(val.Name).Character.PrimaryPart.Position
				workspace.Movethis.Position = PL
				attacks.addingplayer(PlayersInBossFight, PL)

i don’t mind the table thing being complex it’s just me wondering how i’ll be able to turn it into a metatable so other scripts would be able to use those players inside of the (table)***

You don’t need to turn it into a metatable for other scripts being able to use it. Now I’m not entirely sure on how metatables work, so they might be a better and more performant option, so I suggest looking into those.

But if you want scripts to be able to share this table, you can turn PlayersInBossFight = {} into a ModuleScript and use it as a table.

Context of the ModuleScript would be something simple like this:

return {


In your script at the top you’d need to do:

local PlayersInBossFight = require(PathToModule) -- PathToModule example: game.ServerScriptService.PlayersInBossFightModule

--when they touch the block:
table.insert(PlayersInBossFight, Player)

If doing this doesn’t work, you can try to send over the table using BindableFunctions. They’re just like RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions but used for server to server communication, which would work in your scenario.

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ah this really helps a lot i was just overthinking it and making it complex for no reason thank you :smile:

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