Fire client not working correctly

hello, the fire client event fires to all clients here are the scripts

client script:

Server Script:

On the first picture you show in the Onclient function, you cannot put player as a comment,
I do not know the real reason but you only put player as a comment on the Server.
On client you need to add this:

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

Add that on the first line, not inside any function

Get rid of the empty string value you’re passing as the 2nd argument to the “FireClient()” function call. Because of it the 2nd parameter received by the function connected to the “OnClientEvent” event handler is passed an empty string value. Meaning that the string value “TemplateEnable” ends up being discarded.

whenever I remove the second argument with nothing in it, “TemplateEnable” returns nil